Saturday 28 January 2012

Remember That!

The church encourages spiritual disciplines, doesn't it?

Spiritual Discipline defined:

Spiritual disciplines are practices that we willingly pursue in response to a God who created us, saved us, and guides us. Spiritual disciplines draw us closer to God, deepen our understanding of who he is, and help make us into the men and women he desires us to become.
Spiritual disciplines are not something that we do out of guilt or obligation; they are not a way to gain God’s attention or earn our way to heaven. 

So of course the church would encourage this.

But the other day we were talking about the discipline of memorizing scripture and it didn't really dawn on me until I was teaching it that when was the last time that someone encouraged you to memorize a scripture passage?

If we read the Bible with any attention at all we would know that knowing it is important. It says in Deuteronomy to post reminders all over the place so that you are reminded often of God's goodness to you (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). The psalms talk of memorizing scripture often.  Here's two examples from Psalm 119:

Ps 119:11 - I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Ps 119:105 - Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

We read throughout the Bible about people who used scripture to get through all types of situations and probably none stronger than when Jesus was being tempted in Matthew 4 where He used scripture to defend himself against the enemy. And that's exactly what the scriptures can do! They can help us defend against the attacks of the enemy.

It seems that if we want to follow God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength that we should know what God stands for, how He thinks of us and how He promises to protect and provide for us. I believe that the Bible gives us everyday guidance for everyday situations and how to handle them in a godly manner as well as shows us God's plan for humanity from the beginning of life to the ends of eternity. So what better then to memorize what will help us make wise choices to follow through on the commitment we have made to God? Seems like memorizing scripture holds a lot of merit and benefit.

And yet when was the last time you took the time to memorize a Bible passage? Many of us who went to church as children were encouraged to memorize scripture to earn those really cool stickers but then that kind of comes to an abrupt end when we reach about grade 7. Youth groups seldom encourage memorization and when was the last time you've heard this encouraged from the front of the church? When was the last time your parents encouraged you to do this? When was the last time a good Christian friend encouraged you to do this? I'm guessing if you're anything like me it's been a while.

Well, if you're reading this then I'm encouraging you right now to find a scripture that will help you in your stage of life right now. Go and memorize it! I can't ask you to do this without me doing it also so here is my scripture passage that I am memorizing. I've been trying to have deeper study into the book of 1 Corinthians and so I have picked my verse from there.

1 Corinthians 1:22-23
"Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles."

This verse may seem weird to memorize but I've chosen it because it reminds me to fix my eyes on the reason Christ came, to pay our price, and not to be sidetracked by wisdom or by works. As I keep working through 1 Corinthians I hope to find some other great passages to memorize. (A friend of mine has memorized all of Ephesians. That would be cool! He started with one verse too.)

I've memorized many scriptures before and have leaned on them in a big way in my life but that should push me to continue to learn more rather than just leaning on what I already know. Do I want to know God more? Do I want to know his wisdom and will for my life? Do I want to live a life that says thank you to God for what He's done in my life? Yuup!!

So do you find it necessary to memorize parts of the Bible? When was the last time someone has challenged you to do that? When was the last time you've actually done it? What passage will be your next one?

If you don't know where to start then ask someone to help you out, life isn't supposed to be lived in isolation. The whole idea of any discipline is that you have to be disciplined and that it doesn't come easy. It takes work. So is it worth it? I say it is.

So if you're with me consider sharing what verse you will memorize. Until then here's a verse I've memorized with my son. We often say it as a bedtime prayer.

The Lord bless you and keep you,
May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you,
May the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace. - Number 6:24-26

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