Tuesday 10 April 2012


My main purpose for this blog is for personal reflection and if you read it then I pray that it might resonate with you but if you read this regularly I'd love to interact with you. So if you really like something then please comment on it. If you disagree then let me know what's up. If you would like to have me write about something specific then let me know. And if you just like spectating then tell me that too.

Thanks for tuning in!



  1. Three posts in one week?!?! I didn't check back until today thinking you already posted one last week and so I had two to read! I will keep this post in mind when I read from now on, I generally don't have much to add I just like hearing what God is stirring in your heart, but I will start commenting if something does stand out.

  2. One thing I do know is that I don't know everything! That's why I love interacting with people over issues, topics and ideas. You don't have to force anything but I know I have lots of learning to do yet and maybe this is one way that you and others could continue to be a part of that in my life.
