Tuesday 23 August 2016

My World of Wonder

I am a curious being.

The other day I asked my wife a question that I was pondering one day while I was driving. I forget what that question was but I hope I never forget her reply. It went something like this, "I have never thought about that nor if I had would I have ever uttered the question aloud."

She stared at me perplexed at how my mind could come up with such a thought and I laughed with glee and celebrated our differences and appreciation of one another.

I often wonder. It's one of my greatest joys.

The thing that I love to wonder most is what God is up to. I have followed God through most of my life and I know a lot about who He is, His character, His plans for my life and His love for all people and yet there is so much more. I know that and I celebrate that.

I love to find answers and conclusions for my wonders and my curiosities. I love it when God reveals Himself and His character and action in ways that I am blessed to have understood. I love it when my seeking concludes in finding.

Then sometimes I wonder without any certainty. Should I talk with this person? How do you want me to pray? How do I address the given reality in this persons life? What now? And so on.... Sometimes I take the risk and follow in obedience to what I think God "might" be calling me to do and there are times that I pass the opportunities by. I wonder right now how many times I've passed by opportunities that I've missed out on.

It's all good because it's all in a search for God. I love following God because I know that He has a great plan for my life. He's proven it before and time and time again.

Thank you God that you allow me to wonder. You allow me to be curious. You are too vast for me to fully understand and so I am thankful that my wonders of you will not stop. Thank for revealing yourself through my search of you. May I discover more and more of You God, in your totality and not through my limitations.

I wonder what you're up to in my life currently. Whatever it is I praise you for your greatness and I anticipate my next chapter with you!

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