Friday 5 February 2016

I'm Glad Nobody Reads This

This has been one of those day, and really one of those weeks, where I really don't want to do anything. I just feel like sitting around, playing video games and watching movies. Unfortunately there are things that I need to do whether it's for work, for family and yes I need to take care of myself too.

But I just want to sleep in, drink a pot of coffee and probably just eat chips for most of the day.

It's maybe because I just had a few days off where I went away for a bit and it's sometimes tough to get back into work mode.

It's maybe because there are changes coming and I like to blame that for being confused about where we are all going.

It's maybe because I don't know if I really want to work my current job anymore and some days I feel like quitting.

It's maybe because the things that I know I need to do is only to please people and it's not driven by passion and so it's easy to put off.

It's maybe because I'd rather still be on holidays.

It's maybe because I wish I got paid more for what I do.

It's maybe because I've been going to bed late and have not got great sleeps.

It's maybe because my body is falling apart and it kills my psyche and my longing for greatness.

Whatever it is, I just know it's here.

I still know that life is good, God is great and I'm happy for food on the table even though there are times that I just want to scream a strip of curses over all the things that I hate and break a bunch of things!

So here is my procrastination...

And I'll end now and just maybe do something. And that something may or may not be productive.

If anyone actually reads this I'm sure you understand these feelings and I know that I'm not alone. But I also hope that this goes away soon because I'd rather be motivated by passion rather than obligation.


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