Saturday 14 July 2012

Echo Lake Bible Camp 2012

K, so it's been a while since I last posted but that's because I was at our youth bible camp last week. The camp is called Echo Lake Bible Camp and is about 45 minutes north east of Regina, Saskatchewan. It is in a beautiful valley oasis in the middle of flat, flat Saskatchewan.

This was the best shot I could get of what the valley looked like and some awesome people!!!

We had an awesome time because at camp there is always awesome times! It helps when you go with people that are so open to experiencing all the things around them;

Camp environment with hills, lake and silence, 
Great friends from all across the prairies, 
Fun times soaking in the sun and slowing down the pace of life and 
Taking time to focus on building relationship with their Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer! 

The group of us from Albright Church that went out.
Personally I learned another amazing lesson about my life that I have given to Christ. I learned once again and maybe more deeply than ever before what it means to put faith in God through prayer. I think that so often through my life I have tried to be too much the answer to my own prayers. For example maybe I would pray that God would comfort somebody and then I would see it as my part to make sure that person was comforted. Or as another example I might have prayed for someone to understand God's love to a greater depth but then council them to understand how I have previously experienced greater spiritual depth. Well, this week I laid it all out to God and fully trusted in him. I prayed with some people and more importantly I helped others understand that they needed to be the ones to pray to God rather than me praying on their behalf and being the spiritual hero. I prayed prayers that I couldn't answer because they were prayers that were so much more bold than maybe I have ever prayed before.

One night after I had prayed with a handful of youth I was walking back to my cabin and I had a good chat with God. I told him that he had better come through because if he didn't then I looked like a big flake and that all of this was for nothing. It was a situation that I couldn't handle by myself and I needed God to come through on what he had showed me that night and on what he has faithfully proven in the past. After each prayer that I was a part of that night I told the other person that I was authentically excited to see how God was going to answer their prayer.

And I'm still excited! Some of those prayers have been answered already and needed a more immediate response and some of them were more long term prayers that are more character transforming but I am still excited that last week God did come through and I trust that he will continue to come through as we trust in him. God will not let his name be tarnished by breaking any of his promises and I can't wait to better understand his promises and to seek them fulfilled in my life and the lives of many around me.

On the lighter side here is a video that some youth and I made throughout the week. It was a ton of fun and I'm thankful to Mike who was our video and editing guru for this project. Hope you enjoy watching it because we sure enjoyed making it!

So now is the countdown to Echo Lake 2013! About 354 days to go...  

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