Tuesday 2 April 2013

My Easter Resolution

This is my first time making an Easter resolution. I don't really recommend it because I recognize the weirdness of it all but my need for making a change, or resolution, in my life fell at the same time as Easter so I called it my Easter resolution just for fun.

Resolution #1 - I resolve to be more fun!

I've recognized over the past while that I've been too high strung and too serious. As there are times for that I've definitely over done it. I need to chill out and enjoy what's around me.

I often talk about not complicating the Bible and I feel like my "seriousness" in the gospel has began to make it a daunting quest. I have come to recognize, with those around me, that the gospel was never meant to be over complicated or to be an overbearing weight. The Truth of this matter is that Jesus says, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." Well then this should be a whole lot smoother than what I've made it out to be.

So along with my first resolution of being more fun the other resolution that I am excited about and want to post in my office is:

Resolution #2 -  I resolve to RELAX.

If God is for us then who can be against us? So why should I worry about this day or the next? My renewed prayer is that I can be in the stream of the Holy Spirits working so that I might be swept away in a current that is far beyond me. So Russ, just relax!

This doesn't always mean goofy or cracking jokes or changing who I am but it will show up in a lot more smiles and an easiness knowing that I am not the game changer, God is and I just want to be on his team. And it's pretty cool that as I stand in line waiting to be picked for His team He picked me. Jesus picked me to be on His team and I responded. The really cool thing about it is that He picks us all to be on His team. No one is left out. And all he asks us to do is to follow his lead, enjoy it and relax in His love.

Alright, here goes my first and quite possibly my last Easter resolution!

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