Thursday 7 February 2013

Fast Food Fast

Well it's been one year now since I've had fast food!

Well let me define that. I've been to a fast food restaurant but I haven't eaten a fast food burger or fries in just over one year. I've had ice cream or maybe a drink but nothing that's been deep fried. I've been to places like Subway, which is technically fast food, but it wasn't deep fried and so I've allowed it and it's really not all that bad for you except the bread if you want to start counting carbs :-p.

This all started early February of 2012. I was on my way to lead a meeting with the young adult leaders of our church and recognized that I hadn't eaten dinner so thought I would just grab a quick bite to eat on my way. I'm pretty sure that this time it was at McDonalds, a common stop for me not that long ago. Within half an hour of consuming my meal I had not attention for leading a meeting. The only place that I could give any thought to was the can, the lou, the biffy, the john. Call it what you will, that's where I was. And I knew fairly soon after that I had left not only my McDonalds meal there but also a bit of my soul. It was not a solid day (if you catch that pun).

So from then on whenever I would pass by a fast food joint or get the grumblies in my belly for some food and thought of the possibility of fast food I threw up inside. I couldn't stand the thought of eating from a place like that in a long time.

After some time those intense feelings went away but my desire to keep my fast going remained. I was very much looking forward to the one year mark and wondered if I'd break the fast after this marker but I'm pretty convinced that I'll keep it going. It's even rubbed off on my nine year old that will never chose McD's if we need a place for a quick meal. If we do go there, he'll get a salad instead of his favorite just a while ago, the Big Mac.

Life is so much better without typical fast food! I feel healthier! I've learned what better choices to make for a quick meal! And I have probably saved some money over that past year rather than thrown it away to put what we all know is garbage into our lives.

One year down! Just another few decades to follow. Good bye golden arches! Hello anything else!

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