Wednesday 24 October 2012

Something Beats Nothing

So I know it's been a while. I know that I've been slacking. Well, maybe not slacking. In all honesty my life has been very busy and for the first month or two of my blogging absence I was just actually really busy and couldn't take the 15 minutes to sit down and journal out my public thoughts. But if I were honest I would say that this past month I've had the time, I've had the desire but I've been struck with fear.

Will I remember how to do this?

Will anyone care anyways?

This one will have to be great after going so long not blogging...

What if it's not perfect.

Just a week or two I re-listened to a speaker that I saw back in March named Jon Acuff. He said a lot of really good stuff in his presentation but the thing that stuck out most to me was that 90% perfect and shared is better than 100% perfect and in your head.

His message reinforced that life is about a conversation to be had in community and that trying to perfect life by ourselves is a fleeting task.

Accepting that we are not perfect is not easy but it is so true! So here's my first blog after my hiatus. It might not be perfect. It might not be the shocker I wanted. But it's me and it's the start of something bigger than I could ever be alone.

Check out Jon Acuff's blog! His Oct 24th post talks about the exact same things as I'm writing here today. 


  1. Ok so not that I've been anxiously waiting for you to blog or anything but I have your blog bookmarked on my work computer so when I sign into the internet I get a notification that you have blogged.... I just went to print the bank statements and saw that you had blogged and I literally gasped and excitedly clicked on your blog and read it instantly. So in answer to your question, will anyone care anyways? Yes I do care and have noticed your absence greatly!

    Interesting I just had a conversation with Erwin last night that relates to your blog so well, I often don't want to share my thoughts if they don't really make sense yet or I haven't quite figured out what they mean but he's been challenging me to share them with him regardless. It goes along with the idea that 90% perfect and shared is better then 100% perfect and just in your head. So thanks for this, I have a feeling I will think about this blog the next time Erwin asks me what I'm thinking about and I'm hesitant to share it because it may not make perfect sense yet.

    1. Thanks Jen. Make sure to check out the blog that I have linked there as well. It develops this idea further. I trust this will help you be vulnerable and authentic with others.
